We are happy to announce the addition of Axis & Playball!, calcined diatomaceous earth products from EP Minerals & EviroTech Soil Solutions.
Axis increases available water in the soil, increases permeability, promotes deeper roots, reduces plant stress and more. Calcined DE has been shown to reduce irrigation requirements by as much as 30% due to it’s optimum pore size & structure. Axis is extremely beneficial in all types of soil mixes, turf root zones and top dressing on dry turf.
PlayBall!, added to your infield mix or worked into the surface of your skin, will absorb more water at lower application rates than competitive materials. PlayBall! absorbs up to 130% of it’s weight in water, meaning fewer rain outs and better playing conditions year-round.
Call us today or visit www.axisplayball.com for more information on these great products.